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Health & Wellbeing
Bedroom Design
Ironing may be the last thing on your mind when it comes to dressing your bed. We look at the best way to do it, if you should want to.
4 Min Read | By Gemma Curtis
Last Modified 3 March 2021 First Added 26 April 2017
To iron or not to iron? That is the question you may face when you get some new bedding or take your linens out of the washing machine. There is no right or wrong answer, but the topic is a divisive one. We look at everything you need to know about ironing your bed linens to help you pick your side of the battle.
There are arguments for and against ironing your bed covers. Some people love to have bedding that looks pristine and neat, as ironed bedding gives the room a professional looking finish, like a hotel or show room. It also gives guest bedrooms that aren’t used as frequently a luxury feel. However, ironing your bed sheets can take a long time. If you hate ironing, it can be a task that just isn’t worth the hassle.
It’s these two points that fuel the bed linen ironing argument, with one party arguing that not ironing bed linens is inexcusable, as it not only makes the bed look nice, but it also helps to soften the material, too. On the other hand, who has the time to iron bed sheets when there are a thousand other things to be done? Is having pristine sheets so worth losing out on precious free time? If you do decide you’d like to tackle the task that is ironing swathes of fabric, then here’s how to approach it.
Ironing your sheets while they are still damp is most effective, according to BedLinenOnline. They say you should also use a very hot iron to get rid of those stubborn creases. If you want to save some time, fold your linens in half, vertically, and iron that way. This will reduce your time greatly but you still get the kudos for removing ugly wrinkles.
If you want to iron your bedding but don’t have much time, you can consider ironing them while they are on the bed. Starch company, Niagra, says, ‘If you choose to iron on the bed, keep movements quick and light’. Also, make sure you check whether heat can damage your mattress. If you have a memory foam or latex mattress, don’t iron your sheets on there as this can damage the material. Washing your linens with starch will also ensure they stay crisp and smooth.
For those who want to achieve a tidy look, but don’t necessarily want to spend a long time ironing, there are other ways you can get rid of creases. Hanging your sheets out to dry in a soft breeze should get rid of most wrinkles. Using fabric softener is also said to reduce the likelihood of creases. For a smoothing-out trick, place some fabric softener with water in a spray bottle. Spray large creases and stretch the fabric flat until it disappears.
You can also leave the bedding slightly damp and make the bed, flattening out creases as you go. The bedding should not be wet, but almost dry.
Certain fabrics will crease more than others. If you hate the idea of having to iron your sheets every time you wash them, stay clear of 100% cotton and linen. Instead, go for a cotton-polyester blend which will be easier to iron and less likely to crease in the first place.
If you choose your bedding linens carefully, there may be no reason for you to join the ironing debate at all, as your linens may dry crease-free. And really, who has the time to iron bedding on top of everything else that needs to be done?
What side of the debate are you on when it comes to ironing your sheets? Tell us your tips in the comments!
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