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Welcome to the definitive dictionary of dream meanings. Here, you can discover the true meanings of your dreams with expert insights from dream-readers, psychologists, and neuroscientists.
We explore the meaning in the dream
We look at how to analyse your dreams
We explore the different types of dreams
What do ghost dreams mean?
Ghost dreams are commonly referenced across most cultures. There are various supposed meanings but they often centre around [...]
What do birth dreams mean?
Birth dreams have many different interpretations but what do they really mean?
What Does It Mean if Your Hair Falls Out in Your Dream?
The dream of hair loss is a common one but can be uniquely impacted by aspects of culture.
What does it mean to dream of snakes?
Snake dreams can be a sign of changing fortunes or oppression.
What does it mean to cheat on your partner in a dream?
To cheat on your partner in a dream means there's something missing in your relationship.
What does it mean to be chased in your dream?
Dreams of being chased typically signify an unknown anxiety or that you have strong emotions about the person [...]
What Is The Meaning and Cause Of False Awakening Dreams?
False awakening is defined as, “a vivid and convincing dream about awakening from sleep."
What do dreams about winning money mean?
Why do we dream about winning money?
Dreams are a complex reflection of the subconscious mind; they offer insight into our emotions, thoughts, and daily experiences. While dream interpretations vary, common theories suggest that dreams can represent unresolved feelings, hidden desires, and anxieties. Some experts believe dreams are simply the brain’s way of making sense of random neural activity during sleep, but others think dreams have symbolic meaning connected to our daily lives. Despite conflicting views, we can say that what dreams mean can depend on individual experiences and emotional states.