Romantic Bedroom Ideas For Four Typical Couples

4 Min Read | By Gemma Curtis

Last Modified 19 April 2021   First Added 6 February 2019

This article was written and reviewed in line with our editorial policy.

Your bedroom is a place for sleep, rest and romance and your inner interior designer may want to add some loving touches to the room. Whether it’s to surprise your partner, or just improve the décor, there are plenty of little changes you can make for the better. In this infographic, we look at some romantic bedroom ideas to implement, depending on what type of couple you are.

Romantic bedroom ideas

Romantic Bedroom Ideas For Four Typical Couples – Transcript

Valentine’s Day comes around every year. Some love it, some hate it, some don’t really care. A study from the University of Illinois found that there are 4 types of couples. We take a look into their bedrooms to see how they could improve their décor this Valentine’s Day.

Partner Focused Couple- The ‘Soppy’ Couple

These couples are 100% dependent on each other. This Valentine’s Day they’ll no doubt do the whole works- candlelit dinner, champagne and presents galore.

75% of men will buy their partner flowers this Valentine’s Day!

Chandelier Light

For a touch of opulence choose low watt bulbs so the light isn’t too harsh.

Bedside Candles

Instead of going overboard, choose a couple of scented ones. Jasmine and Ylang Ylang are both calming and aphrodisiac scents.

New Bedding

Choose one reflecting both of your tastes. A pattern with a small amount of red is ideal as it is the colour of passion.

Vase of Fresh Lilies

Classically beautiful and traditionally given as a symbol of love. They’ll look far more chic than rose petals.

Socially Involved Couple- The ‘Chilled’ Couple

These guys have a large group of mutual friends and tend to base their decisions on everyone else rather than each other. You’ll probably find them on a double date or a group night out this V-Day.

People between 25-34 are the most generous age group spending an average of £33 on gifts!

Collage Frame

Your brain remembers bad memories more easily that good ones, so it’s nice to celebrate your favourite memories by seeing them.

Letter Cushions

To personalise the space with your initials.


To leave each other notes and start every day with a positive.

Lock Phones Away

Make your bedroom a space for just you two. 22.6% of people experience conflict in their relationship due to the over-use of mobile phones.

Conflict Ridden Couple- The ‘Intense’ Couple

This type of couple have a relationship of extremes- one minute they are madly in love and the next minute they hate each other. They’ll either have an evening of passion or tears ahead, depending on what happens throughout the day.

Around 10% of all marriage proposals in the UK happen on Valentine’s Day!

Calming Room Colour

Grey is the most relaxing and blue prevents nightmares.

Carpet or Rug

Wool carpet feels beautiful and soft underfoot and shag pile rugs are a warm, cosy way to wake up.

Luxurious Curtains

For a boutique-hotel vibe. Velvet and silk are the best fabrics.

Sound System

For the perfect mood music. 55% of people say that playing music enhances their intimate moments.

Dramatic Couple- The ‘Emotive’ Couple

These couples have plenty of ups and can focus on negativities to make relationship decisions. They’ll probably go out somewhere fancy and have a lovely time… unless one of them forgets the occasion!

An estimated 37 million dates take place on Valentine’s Day each year!

Canopy Over the Bed

Yo make it feel like a super snug den.

Lots of Scatter Cushions

To increase the comfort. Vary the textures and colours keeping the same palette.

Fairy Lights

Adds instant romance. The low brightness eases our eyes preparing our body for rest.

‘Date Night’ Jar

Let fate decide by choosing a date option from the jar. Couples who have a regular ‘date night’ are 14% less likely to split up.

What are your romantic bedroom ideas for Valentine’s day? Let us know in the comments!

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