Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
7 min read
Health & Wellbeing
Let us introduce you to Dr Jason Ellis, a practising psychologist, professor of sleep science, and the director of the Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research.
He is a qualified Somnologist – An expert in Behavioural Sleep Medicine from the European Sleep Research Society and a Practicing Psychologist under the HCPC.
Dr Ellis splits his time between his basic research interests: the pathophysiology of sleep disorders (Insomnia, Restless Legs Syndrome, and Circadian Rhythm Disorders) and his applied work on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Within the latter framework, he examines the impact of novel adjunct therapies, the influence of social factors on adherence, and the effective delivery of CBT-I in complex cases and environments.
He has worked within the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, delivering CBT-I to individuals with a range of physical and psychological conditions. He serves on the editorial boards of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Frontiers in Sleep and Sleep Health, and is also the current chair of the research committee for the British Sleep Society.
Additionally, he has consulted for various industries and third-sector organisations, providing national guidelines to the British and Scottish governments on the identification and management of sleep problems. He is also a serious advocate of public engagement and professional education with regard to behavioural sleep medicine, and regularly trains CBT-I and fatigue management workshops to clinicians and primary care physicians in the United Kingdom and internationally