Q&A: Meet Laura Kenny

2 Min Read

Last Modified 9 January 2023   First Added 14 April 2021

This article was written and reviewed in line with our editorial policy.

What’s your earliest sporting memory?

Winning a bike race, in Welwyn.


Who’s your sporting hero?

Sir Chris Hoy.


Any advice to the younger you?

Be yourself.


What’s the one piece of advice you have for someone following in your footsteps?

Make sure you’re always enjoying yourself.


Favourite snack?



Midnight snacks?

When I was pregnant, pancakes.


How does what you eat change when you are in the build-up to a competition?

I eat more carbs.


What would be your super-power?

To be able to go to the toilet without my child!


Greatest disappointment?

I don’t have any, to be honest.


If you weren’t an elite athlete what would you be?



How do you relax?

Spending time with the family.


Do you have a pet?

Spiral, Pringle (my dogs), and a duck.


When did you first believe you could be an Olympian?

When I was about 16.


Do you have any superstitions?

I’m really superstitious, I have lucky everything – bracelets, earrings, hairbands, you name it, I’ve got it!


Your guilty pleasure?

A whole load of chocolate.


What’s your proudest moment?

Having Albie.


What’s your most embarrassing moment?

Being photographed kissing Jason, standing behind David Beckham!


What’s your dream achievement outside of the Olympics?

Already got it. It’s Albie.


To discover more about Laura, visit her athlete profile.