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Children & Parents
Is your toddler still napping or ready to drop the Zzzs?
5 Min Read | By Sophia Rimmer
Last Modified 30 January 2025 First Added 20 April 2023
Toddlerhood is a magical time full of giggles, hugs, and discovering the world around them. But let’s be honest; it’s not always sunshine and rainbows. Tantrums, picky eating, and sleepless nights can also be part of the package. During these years, you start to anticipate or dread the moment your toddler stops napping.
Put simply, the napping habits of toddlers can be as unpredictable as the weather. While most little ones will eventually stop napping between ages 3 and 5, some kids may give up on naptime as early as 2, particularly if they have older siblings they want to play with. Others may still nap until they’re 5 and older, and that’s ok.
Remember, not all toddlers are created equal. Some may be natural-born nappers who snooze like champs, while others may resist it with all their might. Keep in mind that genetics, temperament, and environment can all influence your toddler’s sleep patterns.
We all want our little ones to get the sleep they need, right? According to the NHS, at two years old, your toddler should aim for 11.5 hours of sleep at night and a refreshing 1.5-hour nap during the day. By age three, that daytime nap recommendation drops to 45 minutes, and by age four, they might not need a rest at all.
As a parent, you probably know how crucial sleep is for your little one’s physical and mental health. But did you know that napping also contributes to their overall well-being? Research tells us it helps them recharge their batteries, consolidate memories, learn, behave, and regulate emotions. As parents, we need to make sure they get enough shut-eye.
How can you tell if your toddler is ready to say goodbye to their beloved afternoon doze? Knowing when the time is right can be tough, but don’t worry. Here are some clues to look out for:
One of the first hints that your toddler may be ready to cut off naps is that they take longer to fall asleep at night. If they resist bedtime and stay up later than usual, it could signal they get too much daytime sleep.
Another sign that your toddler may be ready to part with midday lie-downs is that they’re challenging naptime. If your little one is protesting when you try to put them down, it could indicate they’re no longer tired enough to need that extra sleep.
If you notice that your toddler’s nap times are getting shorter, it could mean they’re ready to say goodbye to it. As toddlers grow and develop, their sleep needs change, and they may require less daytime sleep.
If your toddler is in a good mood and seems energetic throughout the day without a few Zzzs, they may be ready not to have a rest at all. Every child is different, and some toddlers may be prepared to stop earlier than others. So, trust your instincts and pay attention to your little one’s sleep patterns and behaviour.
As your toddler grows and develops, their sleep needs and patterns may also change. For example, they may go through a phase of sleep regression, where they experience disruptions in their sleep due to teething, illness, or separation anxiety. Or they may become more active and curious during the day, leading to increased fatigue and an earlier bedtime.
Big changes in your toddler’s life can also affect their nap schedule. For instance, potty training may require more frequent bathroom breaks during the day, which can interfere with napping. Or starting preschool may introduce new stimuli and routines that can disrupt their naptime routine.
Whatever your toddler’s developmental stage or life events, one thing remains constant: the importance of consistency and routine in establishing healthy sleep habits. Setting a regular naptime and bedtime, creating a soothing sleep environment with a comfy kid’s bed, and following a calming bedtime routine can all contribute to better sleep quality for your little one.
If you’re ready to say goodbye to naptime and hello to more playtime with your little one, here are some tips to help you with the transition:
Don’t forget phasing out napping is a gradual process that requires patience and persistence. With these strategies, you can help your toddler transition smoothly and successfully.
Good luck, parents. Remember, we’re with you every step of the way. If your little one is ready to move from a cot to a bigger bed, make sure to read our helpful guide on choosing your child’s first toddler bed.
See all articles by Sophia Rimmer
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