Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
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The SleepHarmony™ Recovery Mattress gives you all the get up and go you need to face the day. Designed to support your recovery for even the most active of lifestyles, this mattress features ActivEnergy™ technology for superior pressure relief, plus Mirapocket® spring zoned support for optimal spinal alignment.
Innovative ActivEnergy™ technology is exclusive to Dreams, offering enhanced bounce back and temperature control to aid your sleep recovery and prevent overheating. Silentnight’s Mirapocket® zoned support system evenly spreads your body weight across the mattress and adjusts to your movements through the night. These responsive pocket springs have been scientifically proven to improve spinal alignment and posture, so you can finally say goodbye to those niggling aches and pains.
The Recovery Mattress is exceptionally breathable, with an ultra-fine mesh border to encourage airflow. It’s complete with an aloe vera-infused pillow top, which naturally hydrates and soothes the skin as well as adding luxurious depth to the mattress.
Looking for more information on how to care for your Silentnight mattress, take a look at our guide.
Mattress Size Guide
About the SleepHarmony™ range