Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
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Powered by plants, designed to power your sleep. The SleepHarmony™ Earth 1600 Mirapocket® mattress combines comfort, durability and sustainability, with all-new natural fillings and supportive Mirapocket® springs.
Experience the cooling power of light and fluffy kapok: a brand-new sustainable, biodegradable mattress filling that’s also ultra breathable. It’s layered with hypoallergenic bamboo, moisture-wicking flax and hydrating aloe vera, to create a cool and calming sleep environment.
When it comes to support, individual Mirapocket® springs adapt to your every movement, supporting your joints and improving your spinal alignment.
This mattress is complete with a cosy pillow top wrapped in an aloe vera-infused cover, creating a hydrating sleep surface that’s naturally antibiotic. An ultra-fine mesh border keeps your bed fresher for longer.
Looking for more information on how to care for your Silentnight mattress, take a look at our guide.
Mattress Size Guide
About the SleepHarmony™ range