Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
Add bed frame assembly for £80
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When you purchase this item, a delivery date won’t be readily available, but we’re estimating that delivery will be 9-12 weeks.
Dependent on delivery postcode
Why choose this bed frame?
Grand, elegant, and modern, the distinctive look of our Monet Four Poster Bed's contemporary cube-like shape immediately catches the eye. The Monet offers an exciting modern take on the classic four poster. Its streamlined design strips back the traditional bulky four-poster to a contemporary dark wooden frame structure with a sleek simplicity.
You'll love making this chic four-poster into your own personal space. With angular lines and a rectangular headboard with a bordered edge, you'll find the Monet makes a bold yet beautiful statement for your bedroom.
For even more fabulous features to improve your sleep, why not consider adding a Sleepmotion base to this bed? Our innovative technology adjusts to your individual needs at the touch of a button.
Mattresses available separately - start shopping our range of mattresses.