Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
Add tv bed assembly for £125
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Why choose this bed frame?
If you're obsessed with gaming and are looking for a dreamy set-up, you'll love our Drift Gaming Bed. This awesome bed has a LG TV in the foot end, so you can get really comfy while you're gaming. And with storage for your consoles in the under-bed media tray, headset holders and handy USB-C ports on each side, you can keep everything right where you need it. The handy ottoman storage opens from the side and is the ideal place for your game stash!
This ultimate gaming bed is available in either black faux leather with green or blue LED lighting, or a grey fabric with white LED lighting. The LEDs glow from under the bed, behind the headboard & the TV lifting mechanism, designed to complement the colour scheme of your favourite gaming system.
A matching bedside table is available to complete the look.
For even more fabulous features to improve your sleep, why not consider adding a Sleepmotion base to this bed? Our innovative technology adjusts to your individual needs at the touch of a button.