Born from NASA technology and perfected for sleep.
Add bed frame assembly for £65
Expected delivery time
When you purchase this item, a delivery date won’t be readily available, but we’re estimating that delivery will be 9-12 weeks.
Dependent on delivery postcode
Why choose this bed frame?
The Dawson ottoman sound bed is a sleek and stylish single bed frame featuring generous storage space in the ottoman base. Upholstered in neutral grey fabric, the Dawson features a padded head-end with hidden speakers. With a minimalist design, this bed frame is perfect for teens transitioning to their first grown-up bed and will complement any bedroom interior.
Recommended for over-12s and is suitable with a kids mattress
Assembly details:
Instructions download
Build time: 2 people | 1 hour
Additional information:
For your peace of mind, our Bedcover Service Plan lets you rest easy about the looks, comfort and performance of your new mattress, bed or furniture with cover of up to 8 years.